Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well this last weekend RAD-Mom's side of the family had a reunion. They call it a Roweunion since her Mom's side of the family are the Rowe's, get it?!! Anyhow, Mala Beba got to see her Great Grandma and Grandpa and Great Aunt's and Uncle's and Second Cousins as well. She had so much fun.
RAD-Mom decided to get her all dressed up and put her hair up in a faux-hawk, it was definatly cute! No one could believe how big Mala Beba is getting, and its true she grows so much everyday, its amazing to watch.

Here is a picture of some of the family, but unfortunately not everyone was present for this one but at least Grandma, Grandpa, and the Great Grandparents were in the picture with little Mala Beba! It was nice to be around family and Mala Beba didn't have a problem making her rounds among everyone. Mala Beba is at that stage of where she is reaching for everything, so we have to be aware when she is near our faces, especially, as Great Grandma found out!!!

By the end of the day Mala Beba was exhausted and it was time to go home for us, but we had fun and look forward to the next Rowe-union.

On another note, after RAD-Mom did Mala Beba's hair, we realized something, what do you think????

Mala Beba? or Jack-Jack?
which one is which?


The Hammond Holler! said...

That is so freakin Hillarious!!!! Ma & Scotland have been laughing now for about 5 min's. She is such a cutie! Still can't wait to see her in person!?


Dalynn said...

L-O-V-E the Jack Jack comparison. So great to see you three!

Beth said...

She is beautiful! I love that you started a blog - even if I can't make it back to the great NW, I'm glad I can sneek a peek of your cute little girl! I love the Incredibles comp. - what a doll.